Swolemate Profile:
*Oklahoma Allstate(DB) 2003
Collegiate football at Northeastern Oklahoma A&M 2004 to 2005
*Strength and conditioning, Defensive back coach Oklahoma City Diamondbacks Semi-Pro. 2006 to 2009
Volunteer Coach at US Grant High School. 2012-2013
* Created nutrition programs for high school sports Southeast and US Grant.
*Youth care coordinator for at-risk homeless youth 15yr to 24yr. 2018 -2024
*Nutrition specialist at Boy's & Girls club of America from 2019 - 2020
*Certificate of nonprofit management from OSU-OKC. 2018 to 2020
*Certified CPR and AED
*Personally works on strength retention and being functionally fit at 40.
*Father of two boys MaKhi-11 Jakoda-3
*Member service rep for Planet Fitness in Midwest City (current )